Fat man in a fit town…

So, yes indeed, I am a fat man. Just about 100 kg, in fact. I like that number so much better than 220 lbs. I suppose 16 stone is even better in the “smaller numbers are better” sorta way. But only the English use stone as a unit of weight, and I am not English. At my height, this puts me just on the boundary between merely “overweight” and the horrible “obese”. Earlier this year, I went on the first diet of my life, and successfully went from the upper 230s to the lower 210s, but have gained back a bit. I must go back on the diet, as my goal is to reach the magic 200, which would make me much healthier in the long run. I do like food, though, and I may do some restaurant reviewing at some point.

In contrast to my general out-of-shapeness, I live in the fitness mecca of Boulder, Colorado. Everyone here (it seems) is lean and fit. Runners, cyclists, rollerbladers, skiiers, climbers, and hikers abound. I am not at all outdoorsy, so this is somewhat disconcerting to me. I do walk to and from work (35 minutes each way), but only because I don’t have much choice. The buses don’t run conveniently from home to work, and I am legally blind, so I can’t drive. More on blindness in a future post.

This is certainly not all there is about me, but I wanted to explain the choice of titles for the blog.

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